Happy Customers Reviews

Choose from 15+ sets
Different options depending on your interior characteristics. Not sure which set is the right fit? Send us an email to info@morecircular.com and we’ll do our best to assist you.

Try it for 100 days
If you aren’t totally in love with the Archy Set just send us an email and we will refund you all your investment PLUS we will cover the expenses for the return shipping.

The perfect fit for every room
Whether you want something for the living room, kitchen, dining room or any other space in your home, we’ve got you covered! You’ll get a real eye-catcher with a story to tell.
Less Waste – More Value
WE do things DIFFERENTly
We aim to change the way we produce and consume –
every hanging Archy is a reminder that there’s a better way.
For more than 100 years humans have been throwing plaster waste to landfills in ever greater quantities, contributing heavily to more C02 emissions and generating unnecessary damage to our environment.
After a year of testing, experimenting and sleepless nights, Marten (our founder) was able to create a process to turn plaster waste into a stronger material that we can reuse.
Archy lights are the culmination of that journey. It represents the cross road between our sustainable values and minimalistic design aesthetics for a mindful lifestyle.